
Merry Christmas!!!! [おいどん in London]

On this Christmas day, there is something I realized.

We, Japanese, are not taught how to express our love. Parents, teachers, brothers, sisters, friends and the others, anyone haven’t taught it to me. You might say I could learn it by myself from my own experiences. Yeah, that is true.

However, the people in the UK show me it and I guess they also learned it from the others. I can see and learn how to express LOVE anywhere in London despite the fact we could only see it in TV dramas and films in my country. They are just a fiction for us. Actually, I haven’t seen my parents kissing and even hugging each other. As long as I remember, I haven’t been kissed and hugged from my parents. I have seen people in Japan kissing and hugging just few times for 32 years, I mean, since I was born. There are a lot of the way to express love, not only kissing and hugging, indeed, though. Well, how do I say, acutually I know how to do it now but it’s just a knowleadge like my English. I have hardly used it.

You know, the people in Europe have been apparently learning it from their parents or someone closer and been acutually using it almost everyday since they were born. They have much more experiences of it than Japanese do, at least, than I do.

I have realized that is what I have to learn in this country. I’m sure it will help me to sort all problems I have, and it does maybe all problems Japanese people have, too.

Love actually is all around.

It was a Chrismas day that I thought about love. I should thank the person who has reccomended a film to me. I really appreciait it.

Finally, please fogive me for being lazy not to write even Chrismas Cards and 年賀状. I am understanding this wouldn’t be the one instead of them, of course.

I just wanted to write something I felt.

To everyone with love.
Merry Christmas!!
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I am learning a lot everyday. [おいどん in London]

There is a huge diffarence of the way of thinking between Asian people and European people. I knew that but it was just a knowledge. I’m experiencing it actually through having my life in London everyday.

I can not know something properly without having experience of it acutually.

I think it is almost the other way around.
Their idea is totally oposite to mine. When it comes to work, it is completely defferent.

I go to my working place for work. Not for chat. Not for making a good relationship.
The most important thing is the result and is how to make the best result.
To make the best result, if I need to make a good relationship, I would do. But it depends. Not this time. Not always. Sometimes it can disturb us.

I believe that you can work quicker and get a lot of work done if you don’t talk. Having a chat makes your work slower. And actually I did a lot of work in that way and gave good results.
Before I complain about something, I am doing something and giving great result.

Of cause, you would say you are working hard enough but, from Japanese people’s point of veiw, it is not enough. It is almost the same as doing noting.

Doing your best? Okay, so? Although it is a magic word, you know, your best is not the best. My best is not the best, either. If the result was bad, it was no use.

Helping each other? That is also a magic word. Aha? Do not use it as an excuse. When it comes to work, helping each other means to play your role. It doesn’t mean do one job by 2,3 people unnecessarily. Act your part as perfectly as possible for the person, who will take over your position, not to be annoyed

I have two personality. One's for work, the other is my actual one.
Most of Japanese is like me. Not all of them, though.

I am so sorry but that is who I am and who Japanese are.
We are really sorry we didn’t explain it at all but that’s who we are.

We can make good relationships outsaide work if we want. That’s enough for us.

Anyway, work time is for work. It’s not private time. Please work during your working time before you have a chat.
I don’t care whatever you do in your private time and your break time.

But do not worry, it is not your falt. It is just because of the difference of the culture.
If you want to work in Japan or with Japanese people, you have to keep it in your mind.
If you never ever work in Japan or with Japanese people, you don’t need to care about it I said above. Just fuck it.
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ネタバレして良い? [感想・レビュー]



今後一生Star Warsなんて見ないよ!という人以外は去ってください。さようなら。


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The winner takes it all. [STAND ALONE]

The winner takes it all.
The loser’s standing small.

The gods may throw the dice.
Their minds as cold as ice.

The winner takes it all.
The loser has to fall.
it’s simple and it’s plain.
Why should I complain?

I got to be just stronger.
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Star Wars -The Last Jedi-


I saw the new STAR WARS yesterday!! You must envy me, right? ( ≖ิ‿≖ิ ) It was fantastic indeed!!!

I didn’t think I could buy a ticket of it because it must be quite popular. But suprisingly, I was able to buy it easier and see it straight away on that day. (d・ิω・ิd)Oh, yeah♪

I saw it in 3D. Actually, it was my first time to see a film at a theater in London. I haven’t seen even any musical although I live in London.

Anyway, the film was brilliant. I don’t wanna be a spoiler so I can’t say any detail of it but It was Amazing. You should see it, of cause, in 3D!!
I’ll repeat it. It was Amazing. Do not miss it!!

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How should I do? [STAND ALONE]

I often see films these days.

And I also listen musics often.

When I got doing like that often, I am losing my emotions.
To get my emotions back, I tend to see some films which could move my heart and listen some songs which could touch my emotion.

Noting interesting me.
I feel nothing.
Nothing can move my heart.

I’m just playing myself on the surface.
There is nothing inside me.

I’m empty.
How should I do?
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スターウォーズ!! [おいどん in London]













A long time ago in a galaxy far,
far away......















あのぉ、、注目して欲しいのは股間じゃないんですけどね(˃᷄ꇴ˂᷅ ૂ๑)
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Going my way. [感想・レビュー]

Everyone should have at least one regret. I should have done something. I wish I hadn’t done something. We always have to chose wether we do or not. To get something, we give up something else we want to get. I believe my choice was much better than the other alternatives were.

But, you know, the something I gave up shows up front of me sometimes suddenly, unexpectly. Then I tend to rethink if my choice was correct or not. Yes, it was correct diffinitly. Although it is without doubt, I just had to imagine the other possibilities.

Anyway, we are walking on separated paths now.

When I could meet you again someday, I would still feel a heartbreak if there were someone next to you. Even if so, I have to try to keep going my way harder untill that time, in order to meet you with smile.

A film, which is “La La Land“, brought me the feeling like that. I also felt this feeling when I saw “5 Centimeters per Second”, which is one of the Makoto Shinkai film.

What do you think of the ending? For you, was it a happy end or not?
It maight be kind of a happy ending in a way though, it is controversial.
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