
I am learning a lot everyday. [おいどん in London]

There is a huge diffarence of the way of thinking between Asian people and European people. I knew that but it was just a knowledge. I’m experiencing it actually through having my life in London everyday.

I can not know something properly without having experience of it acutually.

I think it is almost the other way around.
Their idea is totally oposite to mine. When it comes to work, it is completely defferent.

I go to my working place for work. Not for chat. Not for making a good relationship.
The most important thing is the result and is how to make the best result.
To make the best result, if I need to make a good relationship, I would do. But it depends. Not this time. Not always. Sometimes it can disturb us.

I believe that you can work quicker and get a lot of work done if you don’t talk. Having a chat makes your work slower. And actually I did a lot of work in that way and gave good results.
Before I complain about something, I am doing something and giving great result.

Of cause, you would say you are working hard enough but, from Japanese people’s point of veiw, it is not enough. It is almost the same as doing noting.

Doing your best? Okay, so? Although it is a magic word, you know, your best is not the best. My best is not the best, either. If the result was bad, it was no use.

Helping each other? That is also a magic word. Aha? Do not use it as an excuse. When it comes to work, helping each other means to play your role. It doesn’t mean do one job by 2,3 people unnecessarily. Act your part as perfectly as possible for the person, who will take over your position, not to be annoyed

I have two personality. One's for work, the other is my actual one.
Most of Japanese is like me. Not all of them, though.

I am so sorry but that is who I am and who Japanese are.
We are really sorry we didn’t explain it at all but that’s who we are.

We can make good relationships outsaide work if we want. That’s enough for us.

Anyway, work time is for work. It’s not private time. Please work during your working time before you have a chat.
I don’t care whatever you do in your private time and your break time.

But do not worry, it is not your falt. It is just because of the difference of the culture.
If you want to work in Japan or with Japanese people, you have to keep it in your mind.
If you never ever work in Japan or with Japanese people, you don’t need to care about it I said above. Just fuck it.
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