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スターウォーズ!! [おいどん in London]













A long time ago in a galaxy far,
far away......















あのぉ、、注目して欲しいのは股間じゃないんですけどね(˃᷄ꇴ˂᷅ ૂ๑)
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Notting Hill [おいどん in London]

I have just seen a film on Netflix on the big TV. It was “Notting Hill” I think it was first time to see this film. It was good. It was a story like a dream. We, Japanese, call the story like this a Cinderella story. Do you do it in the same way?

Actually, I like romantic stories. And I hope they would be happy ends. Stories have Ends. That’s why I like them.

But our stories, I mean our lives, have no ends. It is a good point and, at the same time, is a bad point. If there is an end, it is death. It wouldn’t end if we got extremely happy. As long as you keep living, your story would continue and you might get depressed with something and loss your hope in the future.

I don’t think my heartbraek is cured. I’m being afraid to get something new because I don’t want to lose it. I’d better not get anything not to lose anything.

The person in the story, which is Notting Hill, has lost his love twice. Although he was hurt his mind by same woman twice, he didn’t give up to love her. He was just amazing. At last, he married with her. it was a happy ending.

But, if it were a real story, she might hurt him again. There is a saying in Japan.
“If it happened twice, it could surely happen again.”

I tend to look on the dark side. But there is also another saying.
“Third times charenge would be success.”

Let’s look on the bright side!
There is always an end in a story. That’s why I love it. If there is “Notting Hill 2”, I never see it definitely. Please leave it happy ending.

ノッティングヒルの恋人 [Blu-ray]

ノッティングヒルの恋人 [Blu-ray]

  • 出版社/メーカー: ジェネオン・ユニバーサル
  • メディア: Blu-ray

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ニュータイプ。 [おいどん in London]




そして本日はBlack Friday。その由来や意味については詳しいことは触れませんが、つまり日本で言えば年末大セールの様なもので、お買い物が捗る日です。


その名もfire TV stick!!!

Fire TV Stick (New モデル)

Fire TV Stick (New モデル)

  • 出版社/メーカー: Amazon
  • メディア: エレクトロニクス

さすがBlack Fridayだけあってものすごい人で、遊園地の人気アトラクション並みの行列でしたが、オンラインで先に注文、支払いを済ませてあったので、ファストパスさながら、長い行列に並ぶお客さんを横目に、ササっと品物だけを受け取って離脱しました。





NIntendo SWITCHにゼルダにfire TV stickにネット環境、セントラルヒーティング完備。

まぁ英語のお勉強に関してはそこそこ順調なのでNo problem!










深い付き合いの人間なんて1、2人いれば十分だろう。それが所謂Best man, best friendと言うのもなのだろう。












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One third [おいどん in London]

Hi, there. I'm O-Kazunori.
How are you all ?

I'm not bad.
It has been 15 month since I came here, the UK. The remaining period is 1/3. Time flies so quickly. I thought 2-year was long enough for me and, to be honest, I wanted to go back to Japan as soon as possible at the beginning for some reason but now I don't want to.

Well, all I have to do is to use my remaining period effectively in any way. I should do something in order not to waste the rest of my life in the UK.

I'm also wondering what to do after I go back to Japan. Olympic Games will be held in Tokyo in 2020 as you all know. More foreign tourists would come to Japan so I think there would be more oppotunities to speak English at work. I am sure English speaker will be needed more than ever.

However, I should think about this moment first. I had a homestay at Japanese family's house before but now live alone in a big flat. I moved to the new flat around one month ago. There was no WiFi so I had to make a contract of it by myself for my flat and, finally, I got it in this morning. That's why I am writing a blog like this. I don't need to take care of children anymore and can do anything in my place. I got perfectly private time. I got a big living room. I got a big bed room. I got big enough courtyard where I can do BBQ at. I got a my own kitchen, a bath and a toilet. Instead I feel a bit lonly.

Something is missing to make the most of my life in the UK. I don't know what it is. I had a party the other day. I invited as many people as I could. It was really fantastic but, to be honest, I felt much more loneliness after the party. I realized there was a big hole in my mind. To fill the space up, I bought a big TV, which is 40 inch of SONY Bravia for only £78 on eBay!, for my living room. It is coming in this evening. I am looking to buy any game console next, of course as cheap as possible. I hope they fill up the hole in my mind. I might have a game party soon.

I am just working every day. All I am doing is work. I am doing nothing except working. I had been working 11 days in a row till yesterday. Actually, it was going to be 16 days in a row but my manager prevented it and made me take a day off today. Then, what do I have to do for today? Did the laundry, had a breakfast, did the dishes and now writing this blog. What's next? Oh, I have to clean my place.

Anyway, I should make my life more fun than it was before. I am looking for something for that. I have to go out more than ever. I must go to somewhere as a trip or something and meet more people. I think that would fill my mind.
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It' hard to happen. [おいどん in London]

Hello everyone. I'm O-Kazunori.
Thank you all for reading this blog every time.

I've got many opportunities to say "Thank you" since I came here, London. I probably say so at least 3 times or more a day. I think that's a nice change.

You can say "ありがとう(Aligatou)" if you want to express appreciations in Japan. Although, of course, you can also say "Thank you."
"ありがとう" is "有り難い" which literally means "it's hard to happen" "it's almost impossible" or "it could never happen." That's why I didn't use the word very often when I was in Japan. I was thinking "ありがとう" should be used for what is hard to happen literally. If I use the word too many, it doesn't make sense. It would ruin the meaning. Then, what should I say instead of "ありがとう" when I really appreciate something which is very very hard to happen? I have no idea.
So I often used to say "どーも(doumo)" instead of "ありがとう." I used to say it as many in Japan as I do "Thank you" in London.

The word "ありがとう" from the person who rarely say so is really meaningful. Don't you think so? I've thought so but I might be kind of wrong. I was stubborn.

"ありがとう" is getting used often in Japan recently among young people. I guess the frequency of using the word is almost the same as "Thank you" in the country using English. I am still worry the meaning of the word gets weaker but it's not my business actually. To express appreciations is wonderful in any way.

Thank you very much for reading this to the end.
I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.
I can't thank people supporting me enough.

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What do you recommend? [おいどん in London]

Good morning. I'm O-Kazunori.
I've waked up little early so I will write something to kill time until the time to go to work.

It was my day off yesterday and I saw a film on Netflix to study English. The film was "Death Note." I think there are many people who have heard of the title. Yes, it was originally Japanese comic. It was very popular so was animated and also was made into a live-action film and drama in Japan. And finally, Netflix have remade into a live-action film.

I thought it was a series drama at the beginning but wasn't. I saw it twice. I did it without subtitles once, and second time with Japanese subtitles. The story was totally different from the original but was not bad. The best part of the original was brain battles between two different justices of two geniuses, L and Light. But the Netflix one was stressed more humanity. Light was normal boy and used his Death Note to attract a girl. L was not too much genius and was more emotional person.

Although it might be bad for people who are thinking the original is the best, I think it was interesting.
The bad part was, if I had to say, actors acting as Japanese people were apparently not Japanese, though at least they were Asian.

I don't get it. I think there are lots of Japanese people who wants to appear in movies. Why do they not tend to use real Japanese? Is hiring real Japanese that expensive? Is that why we can not speak English well? But there was no line for them. I would appear even for free.

Well, that's fine. Whatever.
Anyway, the film was fun enough. Please watch it if you want.

"Yeah, one way or another, we're all in the middle. Things are never black and white. Sometimes you just have to choose the lesser of two evils."

This is the most impressed line in the film for me.

By the way, do you know any nice books or films to learn English?
If you do, let me know please.
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Why do Japanese people work so long and hard? [おいどん in London]

One day, one of my coworker asked me like why you(Japanese people) tend to work so long and hard. He is working with us now and I heard he had watched a documentary video of a young Japanese person who had 3 different jobs to live.

I haven't watch the video yet but I want to answer it in this blog. We can't have enough time to conversation each other about it because I think we are working as hard as the young man was in the documentary.

Please note: What I'm going to write below is just my personal opinion. It is not the thinking of all Japanese people.

Why do we work so hard and long?
Because the person who works hard and long is good person and the person who doesn't is bad person in japan. There is no reason, but just so. We are all working based on that.

That is a Japanese Saying. It means the person who dosen't work for the others can't eat anything. We have to do work for someone or something all the time. Adult people are working for society, the jobs for student are to study, the jobs for little boys and girls are to play outside, the jobs for babies are to cry.

We also hardly would take extra day off and too much holidays. Even if we caught a cold or felt sick or something like that. Some Japanese says "体調管理も仕事のうち" that means "Physical condition management is also included in work." As I said earlier, not working is bad thing. Even though we had right reason for taking extra day off.

Another Saying is "馬鹿は風邪引かない" that means "Idiots never catch a cold." I think it is why idiots can't recognize that they got sick because they are idiot.
People also said "病は気から" that means "Your mind controls your health." In the other words, It's all mental.
In my case, even if I felt a bit sick, I continue to pretend to be fine. I forget about sick and in the end, the sick has gone before I knew it.

Be idiot. That is the best way to work in Japan.

The Japanese traditional criterion of evaluation is how long you have worked for for company you belong. What is important is not the result of your work.

This might be unrelated, but I think "Japan" is not just the name of a country. It's not the name of a place and the name a group of same race people either.
It is a mind. I mean it is the way of thinking. That is called ”Culture" in general but I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say "Japan" is like one of religion.

The religion is unvisible and can't be recognized but it exists here and there in Japan. Japanese government is very good at making slaves by it and hiding the fact. When I was in Japan I couldn't recognize it but now I can, thanks to my overseas life.

There are many companies that forces workers to work so hard for very long hours with low salaries and few day off in Japan. They are exploiting the Japanese traditional way of thinking. We call them "Black Companies." And also I think Japan is Black Country. The surface looks very nice as you can see but you can't see its ugly bottom because it's very very deep. You had to take care of the darkness of Japan if you were planning to live there. That means you will join them as a slave.

They are all like slaves, except some people with big power and much money. They ruin their own possibilities by themselves. They haven't even noticed it or are pretending not to notice. They don't know the other way to live. They are afraid to be free. They have chosen to live in the big enough prison called Japan. It's tough but not difficult because they are use to it. They are living for someone else. That can be also why Japan is controlled and safe.

I am also a slave. I was educated to be so. But it's only while I'm working. And I am working as a slave for only polite customers, not for arrogant high position people. So I'm fine. Time outside of work is mine. I live for myself.

Nowadays, Japan is getting changed gradually because of internet. People in Japan start noticing the strange facts. I don't know if it is good but I hope they all wake from the brainwashing.
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God only knows. [おいどん in London]

Hi, I'm O-Kazunori.
Surpraisingly, the blog I wrote the day before yesterday has got good reputations, although I know everyone likes that sort of things.

I don't know who she is and what happened after that after all. All I know is the fact the woman I haven't ever seen was in the house with my host father after his family had gone to Japan. Other than that is nothing more than my delusion.

They didn't seem to be surpraised at all when I got home and met them. He introduced her as his friend and even invited me to their dinner. It was the quietest night I've ever had. No strange voice and sound. Well, you know, some men might like do the thing quietly and some women might want to try to be quiet though.

To be honest, I was wondering whether I might be able to bring a girl to my room secretly if I got any chance but I didn't expect that he would do that first.

Anyway, I don't know anything about that and I would hoover up everything as if nothing happened for my boss. I was out until midnight on purpose just in case yesterday. The fact is going into the darkness.

God only knows......
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Men.... [おいどん in London]

Hi. I'm O-Kazunori.
Now I've just come back to my place from work.

As I mentioned before, I live there with my host family who are Japanese. They, ecsept their father, went back to Japan this morning for holidays for three weeks. So I got free from taking care of children on my day off for a while. I have to vacuum (hoover?) all of rooms in this house once a week instead but I think it is much easier.

From now on, I can stay up late, sleep until later than I usually do, have a shower whenever I want, and don't need to mind the time.

It's like a heaven!!
I was thinking like that during the way to home but....

When I arrived outsaide of the entrance door, I saw two wine glasses and two dishes on a dinning table through a window. I thought It was for me and the father at the begining but it didn't seem to be. The other people who should be there had gone. It was strange.

I opened the door and came into the house, then I saw a woman who I haven't ever met.
Who was that?
She might be his second wife?
No way!!
Anyway I came back here in really bad timing!!

I thought like that but he asked me "want to join us?"
I said "Thank you but I'm fine. I want to have a nap" and escaped to my room.
And I am writing this blog now.

I guess he has been also released from their family. If I were him, I might also........No, I wouldn't actually. I never, maybe.

According to his talk, she is just his friend. Just so you know, most story I wrote here is my delusion.


Men are the creature like this!!

I guess.
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言語と文化。 [おいどん in London]

2年前、METAL GEAR SOLID Vというゲームが発売され、このシリーズが好きな僕はPS4(2台目)ごと購入し、遊びました。







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